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Pradaxa is an oral drug designed specifically to prevent the formation of clots and reduce the risk of strokes. This drug is targeted for individuals suffering from atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem. Pradaxa works as an anticoagulant, meaning it thins a patient’s blood. Like any drug though, Pradaxa has pros and cons. If you suffer from atrial fibrillation and are considering taking Pradaxa to reduce your risk of a stroke, read on for an unbiased consideration of the drug’s pros and cons.

What Are the Advantages of Pradaxa?

There are alternative drugs to Pradaxa on the market, such as Warfarin and Aspirin. However, the clear advantage of Pradaxa is that it does reduce the risk of strokes in patients who have atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem. In fact, Pradaxa reduces an individual’s stroke risk 35 percent more than Warfarin does. Pradaxa is given to individuals with atrial fibrillation, but only if they present a second risk factor for strokes, such as hypertension, diabetes, or a family history of strokes.

Pradaxa is also ideal for individuals who have just had a hip or knee replacement operation, as it will prevent the formation of blood clots.

Unlike Warfarin, Pradaxa does not require regular blood tests to ensure that a normalized ratio is maintained; the oral blood thinner is simply taken by the individual. Another advantage of Pradaxa is that there are no restrictions: one doesn’t need to be wary about taking the drug with or without food, or having to cut certain foods out of their diet. Pradaxa does not require a lifestyle change.

What Are the Drawbacks of Pradaxa?

Like many drugs, there are drawbacks and unfortunateside effects that could occur. As it is a blood thinner, the main problem Pradaxa has been causing is severe bleeding. In 2011, there were several instances of the drug causing fatal hemorrhaging. Bleeding is seen to be a side effect for 1 in 10 people on the drug. While this is also a side effect for Warfarin, Pradaxa presents a higher rate of gastrointestinal bleeding meaning Pradaxa is not prescribed to individuals who have recently had GI ulcers. GI bleeding occurs because Pradaxa contains tartaric acid, which lowers the gastric pH.

Other side effects of excessive internal bleeding can also occur, such as unusual bruising, unexpected swelling, headaches, and dizziness.

Pradaxa is thought to increase an individual’s risk of a heart attack, and cannot be prescribed to a wide range of individuals. For example, people with renal impairment, those who are at high risk of bleeding, those who have recently had brain or spinal surgery, among others, cannot be prescribed Pradaxa.

The FDA has had to make more safety reports on this drug than any other drug currently on the market, including Warfarin. Additionally, how safe Pradaxa is beyond two years’ of use is unknown. Consider these pros and cons of Pradaxa before seeing your doctor, and understand that there are alternatives out there. If you have recently taken Pradaxa and you are experiencing any of these side effects, considering speaking with a legal professional. Experienced legal guidance can help you receive compensation if you weren’t aware, or weren’t properly informed, of the risks the drug poses.

Janet, Jenner & Suggs, LLC is a Pradaxa injury law firm located in Baltimore, Maryland/Columbia, South Carolina/Asheville, North Carolina. For more information, please visit