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The Sunshine State of Florida is home to warm weather and year-round parties that draw in hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists each year. Tragically, despite the good times, Florida sees more than 100,000 motorcycle accidents that cause injuries every year and over 2,000 that end fatally.

Daytona Beach, Florida hosts the second-largest annual motorcycle rally in North America, with a yearly turnout of approximately 500,000 motorcyclists and participation consistently increasing year after year. Although Bike Week death rates have been on the decline since 2006, Florida law enforcement is stepping up and taking action to prevent further Bike Week fatalities. After 2006 BIke Week saw 20 fatalities of both motorcycle participants and nonparticipants, the state authorities focused their priority on road safety. In 2010 the rally had an all-time low of highway fatalities, in 2011 three were killed and in this year’s Bike Week eight deaths were reported.

The traffic congestion of 500,000 riders and a party-like atmosphere join to create a dangerous environment. Impaired drivers and riders is the largest contributing factor in Bike Week multiple-vehicle collisions, while lack of experience is the number one cause of single-vehicle crashes.

Florida has no helmet law for riders over the age of 21, and in 2011 helmet use in the state was observed at 49.3%. Before 2008 motorcycle fatalities were on a steady increase, and since that year there has been a significant drop in both deaths and injuries. The implementation of Florida’s Motorcycle Safety Coalition and the new rider training requirements that were put into place in July 2008 significantly contributed to this decrease. Florida cites “increases in motorcycle endorsements” as another reason for the drop.

The Daytona Chamber of Commerce has listed the next Bike Week as March 8-17, 2013 and will be charging a nominal fee of $5 per vehicle per day.

This article is brought to you by the Daytona Beach personal injury attorneys of Politis & Matovina. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident do not hesitate to contact your local injury lawyer. They can help you recover compensation before your injuries and bills turn into a financial burden.